Logo Creation Form

"*" indicates required fields

Logo Creation Form

Please answer the questions below to the best of your ability to begin the logo creation process. Once submitted, our graphic designers will begin with providing 5 iterations of your logo concept. From there, we ask that you choose one or combine elements from multiple. Once a logo concept is agreed upon, we will ask for any further revisions. Once you are happy with the final logo, we will deliver the final logo files. If we have any questions regarding any of your answers, we will reach out to you via email. If you have any questions for us before filling out this form, please email contact@stmpteam.com or call (507) 200-0665.

Logo Text

Business Introduction

Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB.

    Visual Style of Logo

    Color Preference

    Logo Usage

    On what platforms would you like to use your media?*
    When you have selected your final logo, after revisions, we will provide files that are formatted for all purposes.

    Your Favorite Logos

    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB.

      Order Agreement